Earth Observation Open Science 2.0
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Delavnico bodo gostili: organizacija UNECE (Delovna skupina za upravljanje zemljišč), Organizacija za prehrano in kmetijstvo ZN (UN FAO) in državni odbor za nepremičnine Republike Azerbajdžan (SCPI).
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The workshop will be hosted by the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN FAO) and the State Committee on Property Issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SCPI).
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Copernicus data from a series of Sentinel satellites are revolutionizing earth observation. Free, full and open access to data with very short revisit times, high spatial resolution, and good spectral resolution are crucial for many applications.
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We spent the last years in Technology park Ljubljana and served us well (we made great memories) but we need more space and some kind of independence. At the Cvetkova 29 Ljubljana, we have found a location that fits our ambitions.
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Geopedia World is a new version of Geopedia, a web based application for searching, viewing, and editing of geographical data available to many clients at the same time. It offers worldwide coverage, hence World in its name. Sinergise invites you to have a look, no plugins are required, it simply runs in your browser! Click the Geopedia link at the top right of this window to go there.
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Am petrecut ultimii ani în Technology park Ljubljana , care ne-a ajutat mult (avem amintiri deosebite) dar avem nevoie de mai mult spaţiu şi de un fel de independență. La Cvetkova 29 Ljubljana, am găsit o locaţie care se potriveşte ambiţiilor noastre.