LandSense project starting
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An H2020 project focused to building Citizen observatory on land use and land change has started.
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An H2020 project focused to building Citizen observatory on land use and land change has started.
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Predstavljamo novo spletno aplikacijo za pregledovanje in analiziranje Sentinel-2 satelitskih posnetkov - Sentinel Playground.
Aplikacija omogoča prikaz najnovejših posnetkov zemeljskega površja. S pomočjo nastavitev in kombinacije spektralnih pasov si lahko ogledate slike v različnih multispektralnih vizualizacijah kar omgoča hitro analizo in klasifikacijo zemeljskega površja.
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We are introducing a revolutionary web application for browsing, analysis and evaluation of Sentinel-2 imagery - Sentinel Playground.
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V roku 14ih mesecev bomo razvili in vpeljali sistem, ki bo podpiral enotno identifikacijo, označevanje in vrednostenje kmetijskih zemljišč na Škotskem in bo v skladu z evropsko direktivo IAKS (integrirani administrativni in kontrolni sistem).
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Within 14 months we will implement a system, which will support to unique identify, map and evaluate the area of every land parcel in Scotland claimed under the various EC grant-aid schemes covered by the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS).
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Sinergise is always working on improving the quality and functionality of our solutions. For this reason, we would like to present upgraded web GIS viewer & editor platform.
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Sentinel Hub je bila predstavljen v julijski številki e-magazina Copernicus Observer, kjer so navdušeni nad učinkovitostjo in hitrostjo sistema. Storitev Sentinel Hub je globalni arhiv Sentinel-2 satelitskih posnetkov, ki je sposobna v nekaj sekundah sprocesirati več kot 250 TB podatkov in nato iz njih izdelati mozaik, barvne popravke in jih deliti končnim uporabnikom.
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Sentinel Hub, Sinergise’s global archive of Sentinel-2 data, which is able to query more than 250 TB of data and then produce a mosaic, composite, color corrections and then distribute this to end-users, all in a matter of seconds, is being featured by Copernicus program in its newsletter.
You can read more here: Unlocking the power of Sentinel-2 imagery: Sentinel Hub
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Amazon Web Service je na njihovem blogu objavil intervju z Gregom Miličinskim o tem, kako Sentinel Hub na preprost način omogoča dostop do velikih količin satelitskih posnetkov. Intervju si lahko preberete na AWS blogu.
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Datele Copernicus ce provin dintr-o serie de sateliți Sentinel revoluţionează observarea pământului. Accesul gratuit, total și deschis la date cu perioade foarte scurte de timp de revizitare, rezoluţia spaţială înaltă şi o bună rezoluţie spectrală sunt cruciale pentru multe aplicaţii.