Sinergise is expanding - join us

Sinergise is looking for talented and creative people, skilled in various flavors of software development. In addition to expanding the development team, we would also like to find people who would help manage the company's brand on social media, assist with presentations and networking on conferences.

Sentinel Playground

Sentinel Playground

Predstavljamo novo spletno aplikacijo za pregledovanje in analiziranje Sentinel-2 satelitskih posnetkov - Sentinel Playground.

Aplikacija omogoča prikaz najnovejših posnetkov zemeljskega površja. S pomočjo nastavitev in kombinacije spektralnih pasov si lahko ogledate slike v različnih multispektralnih vizualizacijah kar omgoča hitro analizo in klasifikacijo zemeljskega površja.

Razvijamo LPIS sistem na Škotskem

Scottish LPIS

Sinergise je s škotsko vlado podpisal pogodbo za razvoj LPIS sistema v okviru Direktorata za kmetijstvo, prehrano in podeželje.

V roku 14ih mesecev bomo razvili in vpeljali sistem, ki bo podpiral enotno identifikacijo, označevanje in vrednostenje kmetijskih zemljišč na Škotskem in bo v skladu z evropsko direktivo IAKS (integrirani administrativni in kontrolni sistem).

LPIS for Scottish Government

Scottish LPIS

Sinergise has been awarded implementation of Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) by Agriculture, Food and Rural Communities Directorate (AFRC) within Scottish Government.

Within 14 months we will implement a system, which will support to unique identify, map and evaluate the area of every land parcel in Scotland claimed under the various EC grant-aid schemes covered by the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS).

Copernicus Observer predstavil Sentinel Hub

Copernicus Observer

Sentinel Hub je bila predstavljen v julijski številki e-magazina Copernicus Observer, kjer so navdušeni nad učinkovitostjo in hitrostjo sistema. Storitev Sentinel Hub je  globalni arhiv Sentinel-2 satelitskih posnetkov, ki je sposobna v nekaj sekundah sprocesirati več kot 250 TB podatkov in nato iz njih izdelati mozaik, barvne popravke in jih deliti končnim uporabnikom.

Sentinel Hub featured by Copernicus Observer

Copernicus Observer

Sentinel Hub, Sinergise’s global archive of Sentinel-2 data, which is able to query more than 250 TB of data and then produce a mosaic, composite, color corrections and then distribute this to end-users, all in a matter of seconds, is being featured by Copernicus program in its newsletter.

You can read more here: Unlocking the power of Sentinel-2 imagery: Sentinel Hub


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