Join the COVID-19 Custom Script Contest

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has virtually paralyzed daily life as we know it. Even when the spread of this highly infectious disease has been halted, the world will face huge challenges getting back to ‘normal’. Therefore, we are calling for remote sensing experts, machine learning scientists and the interested public to contribute ideas and share them through the Euro Data Cube COVID-19 Custom Script Contest.

Sentinel Hub VAS, our subsidiary in Graz, Austria, is building new team for remote sensing applications

Sentinel Hub VAS GmbH, a subsidiary of Sinergise, is opening a permanent office in Graz / ESA BIC Austria, close to several other space start-ups, starting with a team of 3-5 young enthusiasts in remote sensing, in order to widen the reach of the Copernicus Masters award winning satellite imagery processing service, Sentinel Hub.

Launch of DIONE

The EU-funded DIONE project has officially started with the kick-off meeting in Athens, Greece on January 27-28. DIONE will offer a unique fusion of innovative technologies that will improve the workflow of agricultural monitoring. It aims to develop a direct payment controlling toolbox for paying agencies to follow the modernized Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) regulations.

Sen4CAP Hands-on Training in Brussels

The Sentinels for Common Agricultural Policy - Sen4CAP hands-on training held on January 22-23 and hosted by the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, near Brussels in Belgium, is announcing the project’s final stage. It was a pleasure to participate in successful training where the participants learned how to install and use the open-source Sen4CAP system in the cloud.

Start of the OpertusMundi Project

Geospatial data is the cornerstone of any application, service, and product even remotely related to our physical surroundings. Despite its significance for our Data Economy there is a gap between policy intentions and subsequent industrial uptake. This status quo demands an EU-wide intervention targeted on delivering a Digital Single Market for industrial geospatial data. It will be delivered within the OpertusMundi project.

Land Cover Classification with eo-learn

Land Cover Classification with eo-learn

Last year we have introduced eo-learn which aims at providing a set of tools to make prototyping of complex EO workflows as easy, fast, and accessible as possible. After our introduction of eo-learn, the trilogy of blog posts on Land Cover Classification with eo-learn has followed. In this article we are highlighting all.

Join Us at ESA EO Phi-Week 2019

Join Us at ESA EO Phi-Week 2019

Join us at the one of the biggest European EO events of its kind — the European Space Agency (ESA) EO Phi-Week, which will take place at ESRIN, Frascati, Italy on September 9–13, 2019. The event will offer a review of the latest developments in Open Science trends with a focus on EO Open Science and FutureEO. We are pleased to extend ESA’s invitation and recommend you to join our activities.

Awarded Projects in the GEO-Amazon Programme

We have already announced our support of Group on Earth Observations (GEO) — Amazon Web Services (AWS) Earth Observation Cloud Credits Programme and introduced details of GEO and AWS partnership. The Programme committed to award projects improving understanding of our planet with $1.5 million USD worth of cloud services, grants and technical support. The resources will help 21 projects from 17 developing countries to realize the potential of Earth Observation (EO) for sustainable development. We are looking forward to seeing EO applications developed within these projects, particularly those using Sentinel Hub services.


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