Euro Data Cube at ESA Phi-Week 2021

Let's meet and discuss at this year's European Space Agency - ESA Φ-week which is held on October 11-15, 2021. With our partners we will present the Euro Data Cube’s (EDC) new service capabilities for geospatial and Earth observation data analysis. Make sure to join our key notes and side events to get an insight into the many opportunities the EDC data factory offers.

Sinergise je gostil predsednika Slovenije in Portugalske

Na povabilo predsednika Republike Slovenije Boruta Pahorja se je 31. maja in 1. junija 2021 na uradnem obisku v Republiki Sloveniji mudil predsednik Portugalske republike Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. Uradni obisk je potekal v luči drugega zaporednega predsedovanja obeh držav Svetu EU. V čast nam je bilo oba predsednika 31. maja sprejeti na sedežu našega podjetja.

Sinergise Welcomed Presidents of Slovenia and Portugal

At the invitation of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, paid an official visit to the Republic of Slovenia on 31st May and 1st June 2021. The visit took place in view of the second consecutive Presidency of both countries in the Council of the EU. We were honored to welcome both presidents to our headquarters on 31st May to discuss the opportunities that Copernicus data are bringing to the society.

Sinergise and Sentinel Hub at DragonHack 2021

On the weekend of May 22-23, we were back as supporters at Slovenia's oldest and largest student hackathon - DragonHack. With our challenge “Best Earth Observation Hack”, participants had the opportunity to freely use Sentinel Hub services for their hack. The event, which was held for the seventh year in a row, was attended by 41 teams (more than 150 participants) and 16 partners.

The Euro Data Cube Experience

Join the Euro Data Cube Experience

Welcome to the world of Euro Data Cube, a comprehensive and unique source of Earth Observation data, in-situ data and derived value-added information at your fingertips. We are pleased to present the latest introduction video that reveals more about this exclusive platform. Visit also a dedicated Euro Data Cube publication, where you can find blog posts on various related topics.

Start of the Global Earth Monitor Project

We are pleased to announce that the Global Earth Monitor project (GEM) has officially started with a kick-off meeting on 25-26 November 2020. In a lively online discussion with all consortium partners - Sinergise, TomTom, EU Satellite Centre, Technical University of Munich, and Meteoblue AG - we paved the road for the future steps to be done within the project.

Sinergise and Sentinel Hub at DragonHack 2020

During the weekend on November 7-8 we had a pleasure to participate at the Slovenia’s longest running and largest student hackathon - DragonHack. As supporters we had a chance to organize our own “Best Earth Observation Hack” challenge and offer the participants a possibility to freely use Sentinel Hub services for their hack. We were genuinely amazed by the results of participating teams, created in just 24 hours.


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