Planet Completes Acquisition of Sinergise; Set to Expand Planet’s Earth Data Platform

We are excited to announce that we are officially acquired by Planet. In March 2023, Planet Labs (“Planet”) and Sinergise Ltd. (“Sinergise”) announced Planet’s intention to acquire the business assets of Sinergise, including Sentinel Hub. As of August 4, 2023, the transaction has been completed and Planet will own and operate Sentinel Hub. Read the press release and blog post for details! Read also a short statement on why we are doing it, what it means for our partners and customers, for the European industry, and for the wider EO community.

MapScaping Podcasts on Laser Communication and AI for Earth Observation

Listen to the MapScaping Podcasts where we introduce a series of talks on the core problems of remote sensing, to help new users of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem enhance their background knowledge. We wrote about the first one already in this news post where Gordon Logie from Spark Geo discussed one of the long-standing problems of remote sensing: Does higher spectral resolution always lead to better end products? Now we invite you to listen to Using Lasers to talk to satellites and Computer Vision and GeoAI episodes.

Druga Sinergise poletna šola

Si študent-ka ali mlad-a strokovnjak-inja ter si želiš izvedeti več o tehnologijah in orodjih, ki se uporabljajo za razvoj naprednih aplikacij za opazovanje Zemlje? Bi rad-a izvedel-a, kako mi uporabljamo satelitske podatke v ta namen? Uživaš v programiranju in si želiš nadgraditi svoje znanje? Želiš s svojimi rešitvami prispevati k lepši prihodnosti našega planeta? Če je tvoj odgovor na vsaj eno od teh vprašanj "da", potem ne zamudi naše druge poletne šole, ki bo potekala od 10. do 14. julija 2023.

The Second Sinergise Summer School

Are you a student or a young professional who wants to learn more about the technologies and tools used to develop advanced applications to monitor our planet? Would you like to learn how we use satellite data for this purpose? Do you enjoy programming and want to improve your skills? Would you like your solutions to have a real impact on the world? If you answered "yes" at least once, then you will not want to miss our second Summer School on 10-14 July 2023.

Sentinel Hub Webinar: Remote Sensing for Journalists

Join us for our next Sentinel Hub webinar on May 25th 2023 at 4pm CEST, where we will discuss the use of satellite data in journalism. The topic will be presented by our special guest Christoph Koettl, a Visual Investigations journalist with the New York Times video team, specializing in the analysis of satellite imagery, video and other visual evidence.

MapScaping Podcasts: Series of Talks on Remote Sensing

Listen to the MapScaping Podcasts where we introduce a series of talks on the core problems of remote sensing, to help new users of the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem enhance their background knowledge. In the first one of these series Gordon Logie from Spark Geo discusses one of the long-standing problems of remote sensing: Does higher spectral resolution always lead to better end products? If you are learning the ropes of remote sensing and want to understand the difference between the two magic words "multispectral" and "hyperspectral", or if you are a data analyst and want to hear about the statistical background of the Hughes phenomenon - or anyone in between, then this podcast is for you.

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem receives first major upgrades

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is the new portal of the European Space Agency (ESA) for streamlined access to Copernicus satellite data. The portal combines the search and download functionality of the Science Hub with the smooth viewing and easy API access provided by the Sentinel Hub EO Browser. The Ecosystem was launched in early 2023, with new features and updates added in the subsequent months.

Join us at the EGU General Assembly 23-28 April 2023

The European Geosciences Union 2023 conference is approaching fast, with plenty of opportunities to meet our experts! This year, our presence at the EGU General Assembly 2023 will focus on the new Copernicus Dataspace Ecosystem Browser, a new unified tool for viewing, downloading, accessing and processing Sentinel data. We will be presenting at the ESA booth in the exhibition hall X2, where our team will also be available for discussions.

Planet to Acquire Sinergise Business to Expand its Data Analysis Platform

Planet just announced their plans to acquire Sinergise. We have been cooperating with Planet since 2016, in scope of Sentinel Hub, our leading developer platform for Earth observation data. We expect this merger will continue to lower the barriers-to-entry for current and new customers to access and benefit from actionable EO data.


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