Recap: Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem Thrives at ESA BIC Graz

Among all potential users of Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, startups have a special place. The Data Space was built to support efficient upscaling of remote sensing solutions, which is exactly what most startups need. The Business Incubation Centres (BIC) of the European Space Agency (ESA) help startups in the space sector develop their product while connecting them to a network of potential business partners. Last Thursday at Science Park Graz, together with ESA BIC, we presented how the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem can help your business.
At this workshop, we introduced Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem to ESA BIC Graz guests, alumni and partners. The meeting included case studies from established users (including BIC alumni), technology demonstrations and an introduction to CREODIAS, the commercial infrastructure of Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. We hope to organize future events together with ESA Business Incubation Centers in other countries, so stay tuned!