Join the Urban Growth in Africa Contest!

Together with our partners, the Euro Data Cube (EDC), the Copernicus EU Earth Observation programme and the European Space Agency we are constantly looking for new and innovative ideas and scripts. We have organised a series of the Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contests starting with the first one in spring 2019, followed by three more. The success of the series has motivated us to continue, and now we are pleased to present the next special edition of Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest – Urban Growth in Africa – focusing on change detection and urban growth.
This special edition of the contest started on 3rd May 2021 and will end at midnight on 25th July 2021. The objective of this activity is to demonstrate the power of a deep multi-temporal and multi-resolution data cube combined from Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat. The area of interest we are looking at is Africa. To make it even more interesting, we have selected Dakar, Senegal, and loaded it with even more data - Airbus Pleiades and SPOT, Maxar WorldView/GeoEye and PlanetScope. Take this opportunity to explore the depth and detail of so much commercial data and dense time series over a long period available for one location.
Attractive prizes will be awarded to the best scripts. In addition to the best three scripts, we are also looking for the best Pin Story, which can also be a combination of Pin Story and custom editing, i.e. combining several pin stories (locations) or bringing in other material. We especially encourage beginners and students to try their hand at this. This edition of the contest introduces another special prize, which will be awarded for the best story written using the EO data by a professional journalist.
By joining the Urban Growth in Africa Contest, you get free access to an Earth Observation rapid prototyping environment for the duration of the competition, including access to several medium, high and very high resolution data. You will also get access to a web-based sandbox environment to easily and quickly create indicator-based products - EO Browser. Read more about it here.
For more information about the contest, how to participate, the available tools, who the jury is, how your script will be evaluated, and most important how to start, visit our official Custom Script Contest web page.
Check also our blog post Why join the next Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest and FAQ topic on the official Contest page for details. You can also contact us on our Forum.
We are looking forward to your submissions.