Prezentare rapidă Giselle Administrarea Fermelor
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“Este sistemul sloven de calitate suficientă pentru a servi ca bază pentru calculul exact și justificat a estimărilor valorilor de piaţă pentru a fi utilizat în mai multe agenții ?"
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LAVIMS a fost prezentat la Conferinţa Anuală a Băncii Mondiale despre Terenuri şi Sărăcie din Washington (martie 2016) pe tema " Dezvoltarea guvernanței responsabile asupra terenurilor ".
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In April and May 2016 Sinergise is presenting Sentinel Hub at several events. The first are Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016 on 19–20 April in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sinergise is presenting its experience on "Practical aspects of making access to Copernicus Sentinel satellite data with example of Slovenia".
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In April and May 2016 Sinergise is presenting Sentinel Hub at several events. The first are Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016 on 19–20 April in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sinergise is presenting its experience on "Practical aspects of making access to Copernicus Sentinel satellite data with example of Slovenia".
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Sinergise bo aktivno soustvarjal NASA Space Apps Challenge, ki se bo odvijal v Kopru od 22. do 24. aprila 2016. Na dogodku bomo predstavili našo storitev za Sentinel Hub, ki omgoča preprosto integracijo satelitskih posnetkov, ki jih zagotavlja Sentinel-2, v spletne ali mobilne aplikacije. Pridite in sodelujte na tekmovanju, prijave so že odprte.
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Sinergise is supporting NASA Space Apps Challenge by providing mentors and Sentinel-2 based distribution services (Sentinel Hub), which make it super easy to create web and smartphone applications based on Earth Observation data. Come and participate at the challenge, registration for Space Apps is open.
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One of our first land administration systems is running for 5 years and has proved to be a success.