Sinergise se širi

Sinergise ekipa se hitro širi, zato smo glavne pisarne podjetja preselili na novo, večjo in bolj udobno lokacijo, kjer bomo nadaljevali v novem razburljivem obdobju.

Sinergise is growing

Sinergise is growing rapidly so to support this growth the headquarter office has moved to a more suitable location: bigger, better and more convenient for this new and exciting period we are starting now.

We spent the last years in Technology park Ljubljana and served us well (we made great memories) but we need more space and some kind of independence. At the Cvetkova 29 Ljubljana, we have found a location that fits our ambitions.

Sinergise launches Geopedia World

Sinergise launches Geopedia World!

Geopedia World is a new version of Geopedia, a web based application for searching, viewing, and editing of geographical data available to many clients at the same time. It offers worldwide coverage, hence World in its name. Sinergise invites you to have a look, no plugins are required, it simply runs in your browser! Click the Geopedia link at the top right of this window to go there.

Sinergise creşte

Sinergise crește rapid și pentru a susţine această creştere oficiul sediului principal s-a mutat într-o locaţie mai potrivită: mai mare, mai bună şi mai convenabilă pentru această perioada incitantă care începe acum.

Am petrecut ultimii ani în Technology park Ljubljana , care ne-a ajutat mult (avem amintiri deosebite) dar avem nevoie de mai mult spaţiu şi de un fel de independență. La Cvetkova 29 Ljubljana, am găsit o locaţie care se potriveşte ambiţiilor noastre.

Mass valuation pilot project in Azerbaijan successfully finished

On Thursday, 9.5.2015, a public presentation of the project outcome, as well as overall presentation of mass valuation practices happened in Baku, Azerbaijan. Several Azeri news agencies participated, as well as people from Ministry of finance and other ministries.

Within the project Sinergise has developed several applications:

European Space Expo v Ljubljani

space expo

Sinergise je aktivno sodeloval na Evropski razstavi o vesolju(European Space Expo), ki se je odvijala med 6. in 15. marcem 2015.

V sklopu predavanja "How Copernicus will benefit farmers" je Grega Milčinski predstavil nove možnosti za uporabo GIS tehnologij na področju kmetijstva. Beseda je tekla predvsem o naprednih spletnih sistemih, ki kmetu omogočajo lažje in bolj učinkovito upravljanje s kmetijskimi zemljišči.


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