Sinergise partners with Airbus Defence and Space
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Sinergise has become a reseller of Airbus Defence and Space satellite imagery – Pléiades, which will be soon integrated into Sentinel Hub.
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Sinergise has become a reseller of Airbus Defence and Space satellite imagery – Pléiades, which will be soon integrated into Sentinel Hub.
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We invite you to visit a new homepage of the LandSense project – a Citizen Observatory and Innovation marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring.
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Na povabilo direktorja Direktorata EU za podjetništvo in industrijo, g. Brunet Philippe-a, se bo g. Grega Milčinski, direktor podjetja Sinergise, udeležil konference "Vesoljska strategija za integracijo v EU". Dogodek na visoki ravni, ki ga organizira Evropska komisija ob 60. letnici podpisa Rimske pogodbe, bo potekal v Rimu od 14. do 15. junija 2017.
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Sinergise is pleased to be invited to a high-level event "Space Policy for EU Integration” by Mr. Philippe Brunet, director of the EU Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. The conference organised by European Commission on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties will be held in Rome on 14-15 June 2017.
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We are excited to announce we are now members of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), a non-profit organisation created in 1989 with the mission to foster the development of European Geo-Information Service Industry.
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Z veseljem sporočamo, da smo postali član Evropskega združenja podjetij za daljinsko zaznavanje (EARSC), neprofitne organizacije, ustanovljene leta 1989. Namen EARSC-a je spodbujati razvoj evropske geografske informacijske storitvene industrije.
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Sinergise je v tesnem sodelovanju z Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo (ESA) razvil EO Browser, ki ponuja takojšnji vpogled v visoko ločljivostne podatke vseh optičnih Esinih misij za več kot 30 let na področju Evrope in za nekaj let za cel svet. Svetovni javnosti bo predstavljen na World Cover konferenci, ESA, ESRIN v Frascatiju v Italiji.
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Sinergise developed EO Browser in close cooperation with European Space Agency (ESA) to provide immediate and full resolution insight into all ESA optical missions' data - more than 30 years of data in Europe and several years of worldwide coverage. It will be launched at the World Cover conference at ESA, ESRIN in Frascati, Italy.
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Generalni direktor ESA, Johann Dietrich Wörner je obiskal Slovenijo. Namen obiska je bila nadaljna pospešitev in širitev pomoči Evropske vesoljske agencije (ESA) slovenskemu gospodarstvu in akademskemu razvoju. Med drugim je obiskal tudi podjetje Sinergise, zmagovalca mednarodnega tekmovanja 2016 Copernicus Masters.
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Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA) Johann-Dietrich Wörner visited Slovenia to enhance the possibilities of ESA’s help to Slovenian industry and academia develop. During his stay, he visited Sinergise, the winner of ESA Copernicus Masters 2016 challenge.