European Space Expo in Ljubljana

space expo

Sinergise actively participated in the European Space Expo, that visited Ljubljana from 6 - 15 March 2015 (Kongresni trg).

The Expo presented key information on the European space programmes - from satellite navigation (Galileo and EGNOS) to Earth observation (Copernicus) in an engaging and entertaining way. Highlights include the 'OmniGlobe' - an interactive hologram of the earth's atmosphere, an impressive model of the 'Galileo' satellite and lots more...

Mobile Field Data Collection

At Sinergise we have developed a field data collection tool for mobile devices. This enables you to collect field data or conduct field surveys easier than ever before.

System includes advanced GIS tools which allow for quick and efficient capturing, editing or displaying of geographic information. It is a cloud based application which further simplifies data collection and most importantly, ensures the highest quality of results.

CleverFarm in Serbia

CleverMaps in Serbia

We have established a subsidiary in Serbia, which will focus to solutions for agriculture.

More information about CleverFarm, please visit:

Subsidiary address:

CleverFarm d.o.o.
Dvorac Fantast, Bačkotopolski put
Bečej, Serbia

Podružnica v Moldaviji

Podružnica v Moldaviji

Republika Moldova je pred kratkim podpisala dogovor o povezovanju z Evropsko Unijo. Za podporo njihovim potrebam na področju upravljanja z nepremičninami in podporo kmetijskim procesom smo odprli hčerinsko podjetje, Laboratory for geographical information systems s.r.l. Podjetje vodi častni konzul Republike Slovenije, Leonard Gorceac.

Prvi projekt je MOLDLIS - razvoj sistema za upravljanje z nepremičninami za S.E. Cadastru. Več informacij o projektu je na voljo tukaj.

Subsidiary in Moldova

Subsidiary in Moldova

Republic of Moldova has recently signed an association agreement with European Union. To support their needs in land administration and agriculture fields, we have established a subsidiary, Laboratory for geographical information systems s.r.l, lead by Honorary Consul General of Republic of Slovenia, Leonard Gorceac.


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