Euro Data Cube at ESA EO Phi-Week 2020 - Join our side events!

Join us at this year's virtual event European Space Agency - ESA EO Φ-week which will be held from September 28th to October 2nd. With our partners we will present the Euro Data Cube’s (EDC) service capabilities for geospatial and Earth observation data analysis within two separate side events. If you are a registered participant at the ESA EO Φ-week 2020, make sure to join the sessions to get an insight into the many opportunities the EDC data factory offers.

Area Monitoring

We are building a generic service for a Common Agriculture Policy market, that has been from the very beginning, for decades, served by individually tailored solutions, usually by local vendors. In believe that open sharing of our knowledge on this subject will bring it into perspective for many, we have prepared a series of posts including the high-level concept, data handling, similarity score, and various markers. The posts are combining business aspects as well as technical findings.

Third Edition of the Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest

Take part in the third round of the Sentinel Hub Custom Script Contest!

The success of the series motivated us to continue with the third edition of the Contest, starting on 4th August 2020. Although you will have time to submit your scripts until 31st October 2020, we would like to encourage you to make an early bird submission before 20th September. The third round of the Contest is introducing a new optional challenge, with dedicated prizes.

Project Goldeneye

Project Goldeneye

Improved safety, efficiency, and a lower environmental impact – ambitious EU project combines research and business to reshape Europe’s mining industry

The European Commission has granted EUR 8.4 million to a three-year H2020 project that develops an artificial intelligence platform for the monitoring and analysis of mine sites across Europe. The project, called Goldeneye, will develop solutions that improve safety, environmental impact and profitability of mines by creating a platform that combines earth observation technologies with on-site sensing.

COVID-19 natečaj za algoritme daljinskega zaznavanja

Pandemija Covid-19 je popolnoma spremenila naš vsakdan. Kljub uspešnim zajezitvam virusnih izbruhov po svetu bo učinek trenutne situacije občuten na različnih področjih. Zato pozivamo strokovnjake za daljinsko zaznavanje, znanstvenike za strojno učenje in vso zainteresirano javnost. Udeležite se natečaja za izvirne ideje uporabe satelitskih podatkov za namene soočanja s pandemijo in njenimi posledicami.

Join the COVID-19 Custom Script Contest

The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic has virtually paralyzed daily life as we know it. Even when the spread of this highly infectious disease has been halted, the world will face huge challenges getting back to ‘normal’. Therefore, we are calling for remote sensing experts, machine learning scientists and the interested public to contribute ideas and share them through the Euro Data Cube COVID-19 Custom Script Contest.

Sentinel Hub VAS, our subsidiary in Graz, Austria, is building new team for remote sensing applications

Sentinel Hub VAS GmbH, a subsidiary of Sinergise, is opening a permanent office in Graz / ESA BIC Austria, close to several other space start-ups, starting with a team of 3-5 young enthusiasts in remote sensing, in order to widen the reach of the Copernicus Masters award winning satellite imagery processing service, Sentinel Hub.

Launch of DIONE

The EU-funded DIONE project has officially started with the kick-off meeting in Athens, Greece on January 27-28. DIONE will offer a unique fusion of innovative technologies that will improve the workflow of agricultural monitoring. It aims to develop a direct payment controlling toolbox for paying agencies to follow the modernized Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) regulations.


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