Sharing Our Knowledge

The First Sinergise Summer School Recap
Last week we wrapped our very first edition of Summer School. It was an exciting week for all of us, for the Sinergisers who created a great overall presentation of our company and the technologies we use, and for the participants who were eager to learn how we leverage satellite imagery to create modern applications. The programme consisted of a combination of short introductory lectures followed by practical exercises adapted to the experience and previous knowledge of the participants.

Sentinel Hub and Sinergise at the Living Planet Symposium 2022

It was a pleasure to participate in the European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium in Bonn, Germany last month. During this five-day symposium, organised with the support of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), we held a variety of activities, including talks, presentations, demos, trainings, and poster sessions. It was exciting to meet so many brilliant minds, scientists, technical professionals as well as researchers in the Earth Observation (EO) environment in person, and attended many interesting sessions.

Prva Sinergise poletna šola

Si študent-ka ali mlad-a strokovnjak-inja ter si želiš izvedeti več o tehnologijah in orodjih, ki se uporabljajo za razvoj naprednih aplikacij za opazovanje Zemlje? Bi rad-a izvedel-a, kako mi uporabljamo satelitske podatke v ta namen? Uživaš v programiranju in si želiš nadgraditi svoje znanje? Želiš s svojimi rešitvami prispevati k lepši prihodnosti našega planeta? Če je tvoj odgovor na vsaj eno od teh vprašanj "da", potem ne zamudi naše prve poletne šole, ki bo potekala od 4. do 8. julija 2022.

The First Sinergise Summer School

Are you a student or a young professional who wants to learn more about the technologies and tools used to develop advanced applications to monitor our planet? Would you like to learn how we use satellite data for this purpose? Do you enjoy programming and want to improve your skills? Would you like your solutions to have a real impact on the world? If you answered "yes" at least once, then you will not want to miss our first Summer School, July 4-8, 2022.

Join us at the Living Planet Symposium 2022

As part of the European Space Agency’s Living Planet Symposium on 23–27 May 2022 in Bonn, Germany, we will be giving several talks and participating in poster sessions. This symposium focuses on how Earth observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional EO landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions. We look forward to meeting you in Bonn.

Query Planet - AI for EO at Scale

Join our webinars dedicated to Query Planet, an ESA-funded and PhiLab-supported project that aims to facilitate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to build large-scale Earth Observation applications exploiting Sentinel-2 and commercial data sources. The goal of the project is to create and open-source AI solutions that tackle state-of-the-art and compelling EO challenges. These use-cases build on the Sentinel Hub service and the open-source eo-learn library.

Sentinel Hub Climate Change Custom Script Contest

Participate in the next special edition of the contest focused on climate change!

After a series of successful custom script contests focused on Earth observation data processing, Sentinel Hub is organizing the next contest together with its partners, the Copernicus EU Earth Observation programme, the European Space Agency, the Euro Data Cube (EDC) and the World Meteorological Organization. The goal of this special edition is to demonstrate the power of EO data in detecting the effects of climate change.

Start of the AI4FOOD Project

A Data Fusion and Time Series Framework as a Service - This brand new ESA-initiated project has officially kicked-off with the start of 2022 via online channels. The goal of the project is to make use of the vast amounts of spatially and temporally rich data, which is complementary in nature. Through the project, a data fusion and time series framework will be built and provided as an on-demand service. The framework will be based on novel algorithms & technologies, and tested in real-world practical scenarios.

Euro Data Cube at ESA Phi-Week 2021

Let's meet and discuss at this year's European Space Agency - ESA Φ-week which is held on October 11-15, 2021. With our partners we will present the Euro Data Cube’s (EDC) new service capabilities for geospatial and Earth observation data analysis. Make sure to join our key notes and side events to get an insight into the many opportunities the EDC data factory offers.


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