Euro Data Cube at ESA EO Phi-Week 2020 - Join our side events!

Join us at this year's virtual event European Space Agency - ESA EO Φ-week which will be held from September 28th to October 2nd. With our partners we will present the Euro Data Cube’s (EDC) service capabilities for geospatial and Earth observation data analysis within two separate side events. If you are a registered participant at the ESA EO Φ-week 2020, make sure to join the sessions to get an insight into the many opportunities the EDC data factory offers. Register here before September 29th 2020 00:00 GMT.
Euro Data Cube - Furnishing the “EO Workplace” with Data and Tools for Effectiveness and Production
1st October 2020, 11:30 - 13:30
This side event is organized as a webinar with presentations of the service portfolio and use case highlights of EDC.
EDC is operated as one of the most efficient and complete platforms to access global Earth Observation, model, in-situ, and value-added data. These data may be inserted into a cloud-powered data factory for value-added processing, data analysis, and Web service provisioning. The ”EO workplaces” in this factory are tailored individually to each user’s needs with data and tools. In the Marketplace, users can purchase or offer information and products.
Euro Data Cube - Hands-on Tutorial and Training Session
1st October 2020, 14:30 - 16:00
The second side event will take place as a guided tutorial which will teach users how to navigate the interface, set up a computing environment, and perform data processing within EDC.
You will get assigned an individual “EO workplace” in the EDC data factory, which will contain a modifiable Jupyter Notebook template. You will learn how to customise and run your Jupyter Notebook that will address geospatial data access, processing and analysis of earth observation data. The examples will touch upon GeoDB, Sentinel Hub services and other built-in functionalities of EDC.
Participants need to be registered to EDC services beforehand and are expected to have basic Python programming skills.
For more information, please check the dedicated section on the EDC website.