Start of the PerceptiveSentinel Project

Free and open access to high temporal and high spatial resolution Copernicus’ Earth observation (EO) data is becoming a major game-changer in EO sector. New opportunities as well as new challenges are arising at the same time. With today’s kick-off meeting the PerceptiveSentinel project has officially started. It will help to ingest enormous amount of big data, unlock its hidden value and deliver added value to end user community.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme as part of the Community Research and Development Information Service Programme. Here at Sinergise we are happy to proceed as a coordinator of the project, and looking forward to working with distinguished partners: Geoville Informationssysteme und Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Magellium SAS, Landbrug & Fodevarer F.M.B.A., Institut Jozef Stefan and Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. Read more about partners here.
Participants of the PerceptiveSentinel Kick-off meeting at Sinergise's headquarters in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The project partners already embarked this mission before the PerceptiveSentinel project (alone or in partnership) and are considering this project as a logical continuation of their existent efforts, alignment with the PerceptiveSentinel project just being a welcome and advantageous circumstance.
The fact that this project is not starting from the scratch is setting project’s ambition quite high. Project deliveries will be built upon two existing big data solutions: Sentinel Hub and EO-Toolset, world’s first EO intermediate platform.
For more information visit the official web page of the project:
Project has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement 776115.